Ch2. Nutrition in Animals # Human Digestive System FIG-1. DIGESTIVE SYSTEM IN HUMANS Mind Map: Concept Map: KEYWORDS: Absorption Amino acid Amoeba Assimilation Bile Buccal cavity Canine Cellulose Digestion Egestion Fatty acid Food Vacuole Gall bladder Glycerol Incisor Ingestion Liver Milk Teeth Molar Permanent teeth Oesophagus Pancreas Premolar Pseudopodia Rumen Ruminant Rumination Salivary gland Villi Saliva Notes: # Ingestion:- Food is taken into the body through the mouth, the process of taking food into the body is called ingestion. #Digestion:- The breakdown of complex food substances into simpler food substances is called digestion. #Absorption:- The digested food can be passed into the blood vessels through the walls of the intestine, this process of taking up of nutrients into the blood stream is called absorption. #Assimilation: The Absorbed substances are transported from the blood vesse...
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